He Took His Pile Of Scrap Wood. What He Makes Is Stunning
Writer Collective
Use Your Smartphone And A $2 Cat Toy To Build A Portable Microscope
Writer Collective
Make A Posh Dog Bed Out Of An Old End Table
This is a great project for anyone who loves to spoil their pooch.
Writer Collective
Backyard DIY Project Turns Into A Thing Of Beauty
This is one of the best DIY transformations I've seen in my life! I want to hire this man...
Writer Collective
Woman Demonstrates How To Make Natural Garbage Disposal Cleaners
She uses a couple simple ingredients and makes something that will change the way you clean your kitchen sink.
Writer Collective
How To Make A DIY Concrete Phone Dock
Who knew that concrete could make such chic home decor? Hardware store, here I come!
Writer Collective
Tips For Making Moving A Little Easier
The days when a family plants roots in a town and spend the rest of their lives there seem to be quickly dwindling. These great tips will make moving as painless as possible.
Writer Collective
Learn How To Use Resin To Make A Glow-In-The-Dark Wooden Table
Instructables member mikeasaurus mixed a special powder with his resin. When he poured it on the table it looked normal, but when he turned off the lights it made for quite a sight.
Writer Collective
Make A Floating Cooler With A Few Cheap Materials
Summer is right around the corner, and we cant wait. All around me I see people donning shorts and sandals whenever the temperature rises over 65 as if sheer will power can keep the sun shining.
Writer Collective